Operation room
Introducing the different types of operating table
Generally, the type of table a surgical team chooses depends on the type of surgery; therefore, there are several different types of tables. Within each group of table styles there is a variation dep...
patient positions on operating table
Supine position :The most common surgical position. The patient lies with back flat on operating room bed. Trendelenburg position:Same as supine position but the upper torso is lowered. Reverse Trend...
What is basic furniture and equipment in operating room
1.OPERATING TABLE There are several types of operating tables in use and all are rather complicated in construction and manipulation. They are designed so that they can be adjusted to the needs of th...
Do you know the construction of operation room
CONSTRUCTION a. Discussion. Construction of the individual ORs is important because each room should provide an ideal area for the performance of surgery. In addition, proper construction makes provi...
Terminology and measurements of operation lamp
• Lux Unit for the amount of visible light measured by a luxmeter at a certain point. • Central illuminance (Ec) Illuminance (lx) at 1m distance from the light emitting surface in the light field cen...